Wednesday Nights
Being a teenager is such a pivotal time in someone’s life. Dealing with who they are becoming, what they think about life, and trying to find their unique place in this ever-changing world are only a few of the issues they are facing. BreakAway is an exciting, crazy, and engaging youth ministry for Jr. and Sr. High students that is dedicated to helping students grow in their faith in Jesus as well as help them figure out who they are.
Our goal is to give students the right tools to develop a faith that will last a lifetime. We split up Jr. and Sr. High in order to be relevant and impactful for all ages. It is important for all of us to get connected into a community where healthy relationships can be established. Spreading God’s love to the world around us is also pivotal so others can experience this life as well. These are main elements that drive what we do and why we do it
Christina Rehberg –Jr. & Sr. High Youth Pastor – – 321.269.6702 ext. 220