Welcome To the Park Ave. Baptist Church Prayer Ministry

A Praying Church past… The first century church was built on a dynamic prayer life. In many ways that could be said of the early days of PABC. The overall emphasis over the years has been the call to develop a personal prayer life from the foundational teaching of former Pastor Peter Lord and his groundbreaking writings in “Hearing God’, “Soul Care” and the “2959 Plan – a guide to communion with God”. This prayer DNA is key to any thriving prayer ministry. Other evidences of the role of prayer at PABC can be seen during the early 1970s with the “Prayer Bus”, along with the building of the “Prayer Chapel”. Prayer times in small groups, leadership meetings and corporate gatherings have played a vital part in God giving direction for key decisions such as starting the retreat Ministry, the Church School (Park Ave. Christian Academy) and other major decisions. PABC’s early years have been marked by seasons of strategic warfare prayer, significant days of prayer and fasting, Concerts of Prayer and designated 24-hour Prayer. The call to prayer will only intensify in the days ahead.