Our Children's ministry is designed to teach kids about Jesus on their level in a safe, fun environment. Each week babies–6th grade kids are taught the Bible in a creative, age-appropriate way while building relationships with adult volunteers and peers. You can serve every other week, as a fill in based on your availability, or every week to provide consistency for kids that live inconsistent lives.
Sunday Mornings
- Nursery (0-K5)
- Kid’s Church (1st- 4th Grade)
- Merge (5th - 6th Grade)
Wednesday Evenings
- Nursery (0-Kindergarten)
- Kids W.O.W. (1st – 4th Grade)
- Route 56 (5th - 6th Grade)

Being a teenager is such a pivotal time in someone’s life. Dealing with who they are becoming, what they think about life, and trying to find their unique place in this ever-changing world are only a few of the issues they are facing. BreakAway is an exciting, crazy, and engaging youth ministry for Jr. and Sr. High students that is dedicated to helping students grow in their faith in Jesus as well as help them figure out who they are.
Sunday Mornings
- Breakaway Bible Study
- Breakaway Middle School
- Breakaway High School
First Contact
First Contact volunteers aim to welcome and serve guests. Whether it’s preparing coffee, helping someone find a seat, or some other act of service, our goal is to help people connect to God and each other. Our First Contact Ministries offers a wide variety of opportunities to serve before, during, and after our Sunday Morning Worship Services.
Sunday Mornings
- Greeters
- Ushers
- Guest Services
- Coffee Ministry
- Parking Team

Worship & media
Our Worship & Media Teams aim to use musical and media gifts and talents to help everyone at Park Avenue encounter the love and person of God, experience His presence and power and embrace His purposes for our lives.
- Worship Ministry
- Choir/Vocal Team
- Instrumental Team
- Audio Engineer
- Lighting
- Visual Media
- Camera Operator
- Livestream
Christian Community
Life can be lived alone, but we believe the spiritual life God has called us to at Park Avenue is better lived in groups. We have many types of groups at Park Avenue that meet at various times and with various purposes. Some groups meet for support, some for fellowship and others for Bible Study
- Small Group Leaders
- Community Hour Teachers
- Support Group Volunteers

Facilities & security
Volunteers on the grounds and maintenance team serve behind the scenes. They take care of the church facilities and grounds, keeping everything in order from cleaning and painting, to repairs and landscaping.
- Facility Maintenance
- Campus Security
other ministries
- Homebound Visitation
- Kitchen Ministry
- Missions
- Office Administration
- Congregation Nurse Ministry
- Retreat Ministry
- Bereavement
- Communion