Sunday Service Info (March 23rd & 30th)
Join us this Sunday for a powerful time of worship and praise! Come with open hearts as our Senior Pastor, Dennis Taylor delivers Week 6 of the inspiring series, “One Brick at a Time.” And be sure to mark your calendar for next Sunday, March 30th, when we continue with Week 7 and a special combined worship service at 10:00 AM, followed by a joyful church celebration! We can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday!
- The Park Avenue Family Celebration that will take place on Sunday, March 30th. As part of this Celebration, we’ll have a combined worship service starting at 10:00 AM, followed by a Potluck / BBQ. The church will provide BBQ and drinks, and we’re asking you to bring a delicious ready-to-serve dessert and/or a side (please select Macaroni & Cheese, Baked Beans, or Cole Slaw). This is the last Sunday the church will have aluminum pans available in the lobbies. Also, if you are interested in serving at this event, you can join the Serve Team by going to https://www.churchteams.com/m/b/Register.asp?a=WVI0WDQxQnR5bFk9.
- Important Information about Kids Church and Route 56: Kids' Church for 1st-4th grade will be held in the Office Conference Room on Sunday, March 30th. Parents, please sign your kids in the Church Office/Bookstore before the service and pick them up at the Office Conference Room door on your way to the gym after the service. There will be no Route 56. Students will join their families in the service.
- For One Can Make a Difference on Sunday, March 23rd, we are collecting baby wipes and size 1 diapers for BETA. On March 30th, the items to bring are insect repellent (off, etc.) and deodorant for the Lifepointe Homeless.
- ASL (American Sign Language) support is offered every Sunday for those attending our 9:15 AM in-person service.
- If you have missed any previous messages, you can listen to them online at https://www.parkavenue.org/messages.