News @ Park Avenue

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Auto Ministry Service Day 

The next Auto Ministry's service date is Saturday, October 2nd.  This service is offered to widows, widowers, single parents and seniors in our church. To make an appointment, call 321-269-6702 ext. 1-215, leave your name and number and someone will return your call.  For more information contact Jack Simpson at (321) 961-6987. 


Young moms, you are invited to join us for our next Heart2Heart on Wed., October 6th at 9:30am in the Retreat Center Lobby.  It’s a time to share a snack, our hearts and the power of God as we encourage each other through this amazing (and sometimes challenging) season of life. Childcare is available at the nursery. Please contact Elise at with any questions. We hope to see you there.

Women's Ministry Simulcast

The Women's Ministry at Park Avenue will be hosting the "Going Beyond Simulcast" with Priscilla Shirer on Saturday, November 13th. Save the date and plan to join us for this high-impact event. Details to follow soon.  To register for this upcoming simulcast, click this link.

Hub 5k

Mark your calendars! Saturday, December 4th at 8:00 AM we will be having a 5k race here at Park Avenue Baptist Church. Come walk or run 3.1 miles and enjoy the fellowship. To find out more about this event and to register to run click this link.   Invite a friend and we hope to see you there. 

New Job Opening - Kitchen Manager

PABC is looking to fill the role of our part-time kitchen manager. The broad description of this role is to oversee the day-to-day operations of the kitchen with  its staff of 3-5, and the Fruit Tree café, as well as to support the ministries of the church as it relates to food and hospitality events.  This is a salaried position with an approximate work week of 28 hours (typically Monday through Friday) during the school season with a reduced flex schedule during the summer. There is a possibility of additional compensation/hours that are occasional and dependent upon other special events and retreats. For a more detailed job description or to further inquire, email Resumes are welcome.
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