In Loving Memory of Peter Lord

11/19/1929 - 03/04/2021

           Part 1

   Part 2

Stories about Peter

Beverly and David Hosley:
The church celebrated the 50th anniversary of the church and Peter was to be honored. Marilyn Burdine, a long time friend of Peter, suggested it would be a good idea for Peter to be well dressed. She discussed this with other members of the church who agreed. Someone had to convince Peter to go along. Beverly and I were given the task of convincing Peter to go with us to the Men’s Warehouse in Viera. I made the call and he reluctantly agreed. Fortunately, I had spent time with Peter in his small group meetings and he even asked me to write some material for his meetings. And, he knew Beverly well for many years and even married Beverly and me. We took him to Viera and introduced him to the manager and one of the salesmen at the store. He wasn’t excited about it, but he agreed to take a seat and let Beverly and the salesman pick out several outfits. They arranged several of them on display on a long counter top and had him OK the ones he liked. He even agreed to try them on. He tried not to smile, but he actually seemed to enjoy it. We agreed for them to make some adjustments and that we would come back to pick the up.
We went from there to a shoe store to get him a new pair of dress shoes. We parked the car and Peter said NO! He refused to get out of the car. He loved his old shoes and that was it. He was not getting any shoes! So, we left and asked if he was hungry. He said yes and we stopped at the el Leoncito, Viera. Having had lunch with him a number of times, we knew he enjoyed their food. Peter liked his food seasoned hot and enjoyed it. It was such a pleasure to have this time with him, and he really seemed to enjoy the meal together, The ride home home was filled with stories about him and Johnnie. He smiled as he got out of the car and walked to the door. He waved goodbye as he entered the house and we drove away. It was our last time to be able to spend time with him due to the virus and we really felt blessed. He did wear his new clothes!
Sandra Stanford:
About 12 years ago I ran into Pastor Lord in Staples. We chatted, he asked about how David was doing. It was a nice visit. Several days later when I retrieved the mail from our mailbox, there was a note from Pastor Lord to our family. I was stunned and felt so honored that he would take time out of his busy schedule to write us a note. Sandra Stanford
Wil “Billy” Walker:
Peter was a roommate with my father his first year in college in America at Bob Jones University. Years later when I was to be baptized it was announced that Peter Lord had been called as Pastor at 1st Baptist Church Titusville, where our family were members. My father couldn’t believe it, we put my baptism on hold till he arrived. During my teenage years I got a bit off the path, but Peter never gave up on me always picking up this long-haired hippie anti-Vietnam guy hitchhiking. He never lectured me but always reminded me of God’s love and that I needed to get right. Finally when I was 24 and my wife was pregnant with our first child The Lord called me out and told me now or never, I couldn’t resist but had many sins to repent of. I had left church without getting right but broke down on way home and rushed back to find Peter locking up. He took me in and listened as I poured out my heart, repenting and crying my eyes out. He took me under his wing from then on and was involved in every major decision in my life after that. When my son, a career soldier was in two war zones God gave me an audacious prayer for him, “That no harm would come to him, and he would not have to inflict any harm on another.”. unheard of in war, but Peter called the elders together and we all prayed and The Lord delivered. This began an every Wednesday private Prayer Chapel time for Peter and I that lasted 16 years. When I re-married in 2013 he married my beloved Robin Wilson and I in that same Prayer Chapel in 2013 in a small but amazing service. Most of all Peter gave and gave to teach me how to know God personally and closely. He connected me with people that deepened my walk with God and made sure I was never without an amazing book to read. I could talk about Peter forever but I would just end up talking about Jesus Christ, because that was always what Peter was about. Thank you Peter, my Pastor, my Brother, my Mentor, my Friend, for all of Christ in You that you invested in me. I know you are full of joy beholding Him face to FACE. See you soon Pastor. Thanks and much love.
Jeannette Ahmie:
I met Peter just 8 years ago. Peter taught me how to walk as a Christian and how to strengthen my faith. I have not only benefitted from his teaching but utilized all he shared with many home bound elderly and nursing home residence. He showed me the “ropes” to living it out a Jesus filled life. He showed me how painful single life can be but that God could use that too. He too walked this out and was always ready to share his heart and be real! ‘“Stay the course” he always said as words from God.
He was my friend and I feel so honored to be his friend too. Countless lunches and dinners taught me volumes of Gods amazing love in spite of the hardships. Grateful for Peter here in our little town a amazing Godly man. I know he rejoices.
Bob Huffman:
Peter loved to play practical jokes. One time he STOLE my VW car. Kept it for 3 days. I did not even look for it and it bothered him. It finally mysteriously reappeared. He never admitted taking it. But sometime later I told him he had ruined the battery. He wrote me a check for 13 dollars(price of batteries then). Guilty ? Yes but he never admitted it.
Joyce Owens:
So thankful for Peter Lord and his sermons, teachings, books, classes and love for people. Because of Peter, I learned to love God and enjoy Him forever. As quoted from George Muller in the 2959 plan, my first and primary business of each day is to have my soul happy in the Lord. Then to praise, give thanks, confess, intercede , ask and listen to the still small voice of my Father in heaven.
Praying for comfort, peace and joy for the family .
Evelyn Moon:
Richard and I were dating and attending First Baptist when Peter came to Titusville. Peter led Richard to Jesus and baptized him. On Valentine’s Day 1967 he conducted our wedding ceremony. Richard was then drafted and was away in the service when we moved to PABC. He returned in late 1969. In the early 70’s Peter led a group of men in an intense year of study that met at 5:30 on Friday mornings. That year transformed Richard’s life. We spoke often of how eternally grateful we were as young marrieds to have Peter teach us how to go deeper with Jesus. He not only taught us, he lived it right before our eyes. What a privilege to see what God can do with a man totally committed to Him.
Lori Pugh:
Grateful and blessed to have been under Pastor Lord’s teaching my entire life. My mom moved from First Baptist Titusville to Park Avenue when I was very young. So many of Pastor’s messages have been written on my heart, and I have shared them with my own children. So many times recounting the stories/teaching of “You reap what you sow, you reap later than you sow, and more than you sow.” The message about “depositing” into people’s lives in a currency that they can receive, and making withdrawls from those lives when needed (only because you have made enough deposits). Remembering to keep “the MAIN thing, the main thing” in my life. Reading his books–Turkey and Eagles, Bless and Be Blessed, Hearing God, as well as others. Using the 2959 plan and currently using a daily devotional guide that I’ve used since 2012 that Pastor gave us in our small group. My husband David and I have been so thankful to be in that small group that met in Peter’s home each Wednesday. This group allowed us to continue to receive his teaching and encouragement. Thankful beyond measure, that God chose Titusville for Peter Lord to spend the majority of his time in ministry. Thank you for the opportunity to share Pastor Lord’s impact on my life.
Lynley Gilchrist Barry:
Peter Lord was the officiating pastor at my parents, Bob and Peggy Gilchrist’s, wedding and married them in Orlando on June 13, 1970. Many years later, we surprised my parents with a 25th anniversary celebration. Peter graciously attended and performed a ceremony for them to renew their vows that day. He was a lifelong friend of my family and celebrated many wonderful occasions with us. Ultimately, he was there once again for my parents upon their passing in 1998, and officiated at their funeral at Park Avenue Baptist Church. When I think of Peter Lord, it is with a happy and grateful heart because of his spiritual and Godly messages each Sunday, and because of his love for my family.
Bruce Collier:
Saved through a prophetic word by Peter Lord!
Sometime during the Fall of 1969 Gloria Roe, a gifted pianist and vocalist, was invited to give a concert at Park Avenue. On the day of this event the grand piano was front and center. I arrived early so that I could choose a seat where I could see her hands on the keyboard.
All during the concert I remember thinking, “What an amazing talent, and she’s throwing it away on the Church!” I don’t remember any of her songs. I don’t even remember whether she spoke. I do remember that her piano technique was excellent and her voice was amazing. At the end of her concert Peter walked up to the pulpit. The very first thing he said was, “There are people here this morning with talent like that which God has given you, and you’re throwing it away on yourself!” That detonated a spiritual bomb inside me and it was but a few weeks before I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus.
Flora Reigada:
When our family first entered Park Avenue Baptist Church in the late 1980s, the choir and congregation were worshiping in song.
I was immediately struck by the overwhelming, palpable presence of God. Joy filled the sanctuary. It was as if we had entered Heaven’s anteroom.
I now know that was because when Jesus knocked at the door to Park Avenue Baptist Church, Pastor Peter Lord and the elders rose to open it and welcome Jesus in, to sup with the congregation. I have been at PABC’s banquet table since first we walked in the sanctuary’s door.
Thank you Peter Lord for your hearing heart.
Ron and Leslie Philpot:
When we came to Brevard Country in 1974, we were thirsty for a church that not only welcomed us, but one that preached the good news of Jesus Christ , demonstrating how to live the Christian life in a practical way. We desired a giving church that supported missions and encouraged ministry. We found our church home when we attended Park Avenue Baptist Church under Peter’s leadership! Peter never failed to get his points across in his sermons even if it meant riding a motorcycle up on stage or giving away a briefcase full of money. He had such a gift for helping us remember the bottom line. We are so grateful that God brought us to Park Ave Church where we were able to grow spiritually as young parents and make lifelong friends. One of the greatest contributions of Peter and Johnnie to our family was the mentoring of our children in small groups and personal interactions. They have made our lives richer and fuller because of their leadership, sacrifices, and authentic example. Peter’s sense of humor, his seriousness about personal time with God, and his frustration with technology elicited many emotions from our congregation over the years but the main thing most of us will never forget is To Keep The Main Thing…..The Main Thing!
Jimmy Meeks:
I live in Ft Worth, Texas. In 1978, a friend at college handed me a tape by Peter Lord. It was called “Pleasing God.” Peter contracted the difference between serving God and PLEASING him. That would be the day I would start listening to all I could by Peter Lord. But one thing that sticks out with me is the time he came to my home church in El Dorado, Arkansas. I picked him up at the hotel. But he refused to go until I could find the cleaning lady who had tended to his and his wife’s room all week. We finally found her and he gave her a tip.
Ersell Nixon:
My fondest memory of Peter and Johnnie Lord.
About 15 years ago Peter Lord called me and said he wanted to ask a big favor.
Peter was obligated to travel to another church and would be gone for about a week. He needed someone to stay with Johnnie because she was not feeling well.
Of course, I was delighted to stay as I loved Johnnie so much.
I had my own bedroom there Every evening Johnnie invited me into her room and we sat side by side and had a time of prayer together. We did this every evening I was there.
She shared so many things with me but the best was Peter’s Beautiful love letters to Johnnie.
When Peter got home he wanted to pay me for staying with Johnnie. I told him that I could not take his money because being there was such a privilege for me.
A short time later, Peter asked me to come to the church to see something he acquired. Imagine my delight when Peter showed me my name on the Prayer Wall.
Of course I was thrilled, but still did not feel totally worthy of such recognition.
He was definitely one of a kind. Peter will never be forgotten.
My prayers and love to his family.
Ersell Nixon
John and Diane Worcester -Church Planting Leadership in California:

Peter was Diane’s pastor while growing up in Titusville, and John lived with the Lord family for three months when he was a one year old Christian in 1972. Peter and Johnnie’s teaching equipped and inspired us in the areas of loving and obeying God, walking in the Spirit, having daily quiet times, clearing up sin, and teachings about family life. Their examples and teachings greatly impacted our spiritual lives, marriage and parenting and church life for the new churches we started.
Peter led Park Ave Baptist to send us on our first mission trip to the jungles of Ecuador in 1973 right after our honeymoon. John later interned under Peter for a year after seminary as part of the “future ministers’ training group. In 1993-95 Park Ave also generously supported our family when we moved to Moscow to train Russian church planters. This was a special open door of gospel opportunity after the iron curtain fell.
After trying to have children for eight years, Peter prayed for Diane at a prayer conference and she was healed of her endometriosis. The next month she got pregnant with twins! She had not even told John what she was prayed for. The result: Paul and David were born and then a 2nd set of twins, Andy and Joseph. These four sons have been our greatest joys.
Thank you to all the Lord extended family for sharing their parents with us and with so many others. We can’t thank God enough for the blessing the Lords have been to us and to the churches we have started.
May God comfort you in a special way. love, John and Diane Worcester San Diego, California
While having breakfast at a local Titusville Village Inn. I was seated in an adjoining seat with Peter. Before I left, I greeted Peter & his friend & introduced myself. He recalled me. We chuckled. I still remember that famous chuckle. I eagerly asked how many books did he author. He told me. I asked if he would sign a purchased copy of my favorite book he wrote, “The 2959 Plan.” He and a visiting friend assured me it would be at the church library for pick up. Thank you, Peter. Sincerely, Dr. Apostle Vivian Thomas -Founder of Word of Life Centers, International. Inc., Titusville, Florida
Kenneth and Muriel Jernigan:
In 1966 my wife and I were invited to visit our friends William and Modene Deloach in Titusville to see if we wanted to relocate from Georgia to Titusville. During that visit we attended Sunday School and Church services at First Baptist (their Church). We were invited to a Class get-to-gather at Woody Darden’s Home. We got Richard who was a teen at the time to sit with our 4 children while we went to the party. He did an excellent job. We decided to relocate and later moved to Titusville. We then joined the First Baptist Church. First Baptist grew so fast under Peter’s Leadership that the Elders and Leaders began to seek to build a new Church and Park Avenue was born. We moved to Park Avenue and have remained since.
Later Muriel’s Dad visited us from New Jersey. He attended services with us that weekend when Peter’s sermon was about grafting orange trees. Dad loved it so well when he went back to New Jersey he preached it to his group. Dad loved Peter’s Sermons.
Another memory we have of Peter was when our precious Son Kenneth Allen was accidentally electrocuted by touching a high- powered line with a metal pole. Allen had recently accepted the Lord as Savior. Peter officiated at Allen’s funeral in 1972.
Another memory we have is when Muriel painted a portrait of Peter using a photograph. She gave it to Peter.
Randy & Carol Henry – WPIO:
For many years WPIO, WKTO and several of our other stations have aired Peter’s Radio program” Keeping the Main Thing, the Main Thing.” His anointed gift of communicating the truths from God’s Word never grew old hearing his same programs year after year. I’m certain many can say along with us that our faith grew under Peter’s anointed ministry. Our prayers are with all his family as we will all greatly miss Peter Lord. Heaven’s gain is our loss. Thankful for the hope of Heaven and that reunion day awaiting us..
Martha Larchar:
In cleaning out my bookshelves I found “Co-Parenting With God”. My children were all young adults, but I was determined to read the book anyway. It seemed a bit ridiculous to read a parenting book at this stage, but I’d held onto the book for so long I felt guilty about not giving it a go. Never have a read a book with more perfect timing. The place from which Peter wrote most of the book was the same place I found myself in. I received the wisdom and encouragement I needed at that time. Not when my children were younger, but in that very moment. I’m thankful to Peter for sharing his life and teaching others through his experiences. He helped me gain new insight and perspective that drove me closer to God. The book has become such an important resource to me I had it rebound when the binding gave way and pages started falling out. I don’t recommend waiting as long as I did to read this book, but God’s truth never goes out of style, it never changes, and it’s never late.
Jim Anderson:
Several years ago i was in business and had a successive stream of theft incidents which left me a very angry person so much so i often worked in the evening at my shop with a loaded 357 on my hip. My wife and daughter and son were very afraid of what my reactions would be if something else happened, We were in church one Sunday near Christmas and Pastor Peter said if you are here and have something you need to be rid of stand up and say God have mercy out loud with volume. I knew the dangerous anger in me had to go so i stood up and shouted out as Peter said and sat down. We left after church and went to pick up a car i had for sale and parked in a public place. When we pulled up we saw the tail lights flashing and knew the car had been vandalized. I knew immediately the Lord had delivered me from anger. As i laughed i told my wife to drive home and i would wait for police and would come home with the other car. All i had was joy over being delivered from anger before i faced what might have been a very bad outcome otherwise. Pastor Peter spoke a word from God and i obeyed.
Teresa Putnam:
I started coming to retreats when I was in my 20’s. Over the years I got the privilege of becoming a friend.
I have to admit Peter scared me in the beginning, but as I got to know him the fear turned to love.
I count it a true joy to know Peter, Johnnie, and Ruth
Barb Bobo:
I was at a point in my life where I was extremely shy and going through a painful time of emotional healing. I asking him if he would baptize me privately. He said yes, as long as my friends were there as witnesses. He baptized me, then my husband. Then he had my husband baptize my son.
It wasn’t unusual to be in a 3 hour service on Saturday evenings and you were never bored. We were all hungry for more of Gods word. Kids stayed seated and if not, he made sure they learned to stay seated. Haha.
It was with him that I learned about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He had a powerful impact on my spiritual life. He will never be forgotten.
Patty (Johnston) Jamieson:
I was a despondent teen when we moved to Titusville in 1969, feeling greatly the emptiness inside and the meaninglessness of my life. Peter Lord spoke of his relationship with God in such personal terms that I wanted what he had. I had a really screwed up idea of God even though I had gone to church my whole life. Through his sermons, I finally understood the way to God, found joy and purpose in living, and was completely transformed! The effects of Pastor Lord’s messages reached my entire family, producing such dramatic results that people who had known us previous to our conversion asked what happened. I could not help but want to share this tremendous news with others. The balance in his teaching and the practice of it was definitively genuine as it affected those who worked closely to him, as I observed as an insider as a intern staff youth worker after college. His teaching has followed me everywhere I have journeyed, keeping me on the track to a victorious living in Christ, even during the 25 years of ministry, 20 of those years working with Muslims.
Pastor Lord has been there with me in many significant events of my life — the day of my salvation in Christ, teaching the class in how to live as a new Christian, my baptism, my commissioning to missionary work, my father’s funeral, my wedding, and my surgery. He volunteered to pray for my outreach to the lost even in his last year of life as he asked to receive my prayer updates through email. How I thank God for Peter Lord!!!
Patty (Johnston) Jamieson
Commissioning for missionary service, 1985
front: Virginia Johnston (my mother), me, John Griffin, Danny Daniels
back: Peter Lord, Bill Colle
Treacy Redlien:
We all have stories of how Pastor impacted us spiritually, but he had a great sense of humor as well. When I was on staff at Agape Ministries (1981), I had left my office for a moment one morning. Peter took the opportunity to come in, unplug my telephone and remove it from the room. Took me quite a while to find where he had hidden it.
We went to Minnetonka Mn Baptist Church one Christmas Eve while visiting family as that is where I grew up. The pastor asked where we were from. We reported Titusville Florida. Oh the pastor replied have you heard of Pastor Peter Lord. Why yes we go to Park Avenue Baptist church. Well the pastor said we have been using his Bible Study books for years!. We later told the story to Pastor Peter Lord and he just smiled and humbly said thank you.
From Stan Johnston (Patty’s Brother (Patty was a missionary in the Philippines for 25 yrs.)):

In 1970 my sister Patty and ‘Christian’ parents Bob and Virginia Johnston retired/migrated from W. Va. to ‘Hillbilly Heaven’ Titusville, FL. Peter Lord and Jerry Cannon visited my parents in 1970 during an episode of Savior 70 (an evangelical outreach of PABC). Through them my ‘Christian’ parents met Jesus on an entirely different level – being born again with a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit. This transformation dramatically changed their lives and the lives of my three sisters, brothers-in-law, other family members and me to become born again into this new dimension of Christian fellowship. Without Peter, Johnnie, and the support of others this mysterious transformation would have never happened. Thank you Peter, we are deeply indebted to you.

Other: Peter has said that the job of a pastor can be one of the easiest jobs on earth or it can be one of the hardest. Peter chose the hardest – the most difficult. I believe this to be true and I also believe that an even more difficult job can be the wife of a pastor. I believe this is true of Johnnie Lord also. Peter’s middle name is Murcot – an orange tree that can bear so much fruit that by bearing so much fruit the tree dies. We had a Murcot fruit tree that bore so much fruit that I picked many oranges to keep the tree alive.

Other: Fortunately for over a year I have been illuminated with two prayer meetings per week rather than one with Peter. In one of the Thursday meetings, Peter shared with us that he had not become into a relationship with the Holy Spirit until after he came to Titusville – not in Jamaica, not in seminary, not during his time as a pastor in West Palm, but after he came to Titusville. In conclusion, if you haven’t yet been born again or received the Holy Spirit please consider this stunning revelation & illumination and you need not be embarrassed if you are born again later in life.
Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. // You reap what you sow – you reap much more, much later. // Rom. 8:28.
Elizabeth Burgess:
Vernon & I moved from Warner Robins GA to Titusville in 1977. I had been calling out to God for a deeper relationship with Him. A deacon & a friend in our former church told us to find the church Peter Lord pastored. Leary was a teenager with the typical teen problems. Brother Peter was such a wonderful pastor who not only mentored the whole family through his teachings but was an influence in Leary becoming involved in missionary work. That was an answer to a mother’s prayer. His teaching in areas of living out your faith loving others with the love of Jesus was modeled so well. Having Peter’s mother in our Family Life Group was such a blessing too. A little over 6 years ago Brother Peter would come by the house with food for Vernon & me when Vernon became so ill we had to quickly sell our house & move to Trenton, FL with Leary for his help. Thank you Richard for your help loading up the U-Haul along with some other men from PABC. I miss the brothers & sisters fellowship with the Lord’s family where most of my life was spent. I am now a member of a church Brother Peter helped get started in Gainesville. What a blessing to have been granted the gift of Brother Peter’s teaching,
Nancy Treadway Pettit:
When I was 19, years old; I’m now 65. My Mom Dorothy was Extremely concerned w/me, as I joined a “Hair” production in Cocoa. She told me that if I went to any production, she would disown me. Talked to Peter in the early 1970s, and what he said to us (Mom and I), I remember those words: if it is not of Jesus, Get out. I still remember those dynamic words spoke over me. Pastor always was direct and calming at the same time. Pastor Lord was so blessed and will be remembered. He is seeing Jesus :))
Howard K Smith Jr:
I FIRST MET Peter at Sears and Roebuck, at the time I was a staff member of the store. His wife , Johnny loved to shop at our store, and Peter could care less about that. So when they came to the store he would be prospecting for the Lord. I would be doing my duties and he came up to me and introduced his self as pastor of the new Park ave Church and invited me to the church. Being very busy I told him I would some time. A bout two weeks go by and he saw me in the store store and offered the same invitation. Again being very busy at my work I told him I WOULD ! A Month goes by and he corner’s me again at the store this time very convincing and says I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU LAYING UP FRONT HORIZONTAL WITH ME PREACHING OVER YOU. THAT GOT MY ATTENTION, BEING BROUGHT UP IN THE CHURCH. THIS PREACHER KNOWS MORE ABOUT ME THAN I DO. BOTTOM LINE WAS THERE TILL HE RETIRED. OVER THE YEARS WHEN HE WOULD USE PROPS I would remember his sermons because of BECAUSE OF THE PROPS HE WOULD. REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND WE ALL MISS YOU.
Clough Family:
The friendship and relationship between the Cloughs and the Lords has a long history. It predates Titusville going back to Haverhill Baptist Church in West Palm Beach where Peter came to pastor in the early 1960’s.
Our father, Lloyd Clough had a position of leadership in the church so even during the “in view of a call” visit and interview process we got to know him. Later when Peter came to Haverhill he build a house around the corner from us and became a regular part of our lives.
He has counseled us, he has confronted us, he has wept with us and for us, he has buried us and for three generations he as left his mark as one of the most influential persons in our lives.
From those early days until his passing, Peter Lord has been the Clough family pastor regardless of where in life we lived or what church we were members or not members of. There is a great emptiness in our lives with his passing.
The most piercing and lasting statement I heard from him was—“In life I make choices, then my choices make me”.
For me, his most memorable sermon was delivered later in his life, after Savior Seventy, after the wonderful days of the Pastor retreats and conferences, after the speaking conferences and world travel. Delivered in a small church during his annual Thanksgiving trip to Georgia. It is titled “The Swap Shop”. Titled after the former Swap Shop radio program on a local Titusville radio.
Life is a series of “swaps”—daily you swap your time and money for something. It’s tragic to come near the end of your life only to realize that you’ve made bad trades with permanent and eternal consequences.
Peter was ever practical—“What we do is what we believe. All the rest is just religious talk.”
The Clough family will deeply miss; but—long remember—the life, influence and impact of Peter Lord with eternal gratefulness.
G Wyckliffe Hoffler:
17 Apr 21–I have told Peter personally that he has probably contributed more positively to my Christian walk and maturity than all other Christian leaders I have encountered. Of course he has been a stalwart and consistent role model for half my life. And I knew him to be the same Peter in the Aerie as on the recreational grounds at retreats. To say that his life of intelligent, visionary, daring, spiritual service for the Kingdom is beyond earthly scoring is trite. To enumerate all his leadings, innovations, teachings, writings, and witnessing would be somewhat akin to John’s Gospel claim for the ministry and service of Jesus. Peter did some unique things beyond founding a local church with world-wide renown. And he never stopped, having continued preaching in pulpits widely long after his formal retirement from PABC and mentoring young men almost till his death. His very positive influence extends beyond human reckoning.
There are instances of stark remembrance: like his riding a motorcycle into church one morning, which could have had dire consequences, but the Lord preserved him (and the choir) and used it for His Glory. And no one present will forget his and Johnnie’s genuine surprise when Bill Colle led the choir in the famous song from “The Sister Act..” For me his most memorable sermon is probably the one with a one-word text (Tetelestai = really three in English–“It is finished.”) The old wooden cross with that word emblazened on it stood before the altar when he spoke.
Yes, I think Peter Lord was truly humble and as sold out to our Lord as any one I have known. His legacy remains and his heavenly reward is assured.
Dale Durbin:
One Sunday morning when I was 19 yrs old Peter Lord had a brief case full of $$$, & it was his own $$$ & he said the Lord told him to do this & starting with widows & children if the Lord’s telling them they need any of the $$$ to come take what they need & a man stood up & said he needed the whole thing & Peter said he kinda wanted to spread it around so could the man tell the church why he needed the whole thing & the man said , “it because a young woman needs surgery on both of her feet or she won’t be walking much longer forever” & Peter Lord said thank you sir but that was taken care of during the last service & I was sliding down in my pew Mom pulled me back up & with tears running down my face I realized they were talking about me.That $$$ went to pay for my hospital bill & the Dr also was in that service as he & his wife went to Park Ave & he as well didn’t charge my Mom/Me for the surgery that was supposed to just last an HR but lasted 9hrs because I died 3 time’s during surgery due to bad circulation & after I woke up in recovery my Dr said he did the best he could rebuilding my feet but I won’t walk past 20 yrs old & I told him,” WATCH ME” as I was still 1/2 out of it. I’m 58 yrs old today & still walking barely but I have a yr 1/2 to keep walking so I can set another goal of walking for 10 yrs more & I plan on keeping that goal as I have made since my surgery which was the 3rd surgery I had on both feet where 2,other Drs had messed me up pretty bad. I’m very thankful for Peter Lord and that Dr who saved my life and my feet for FREE & that day in Church when Peter Lord gave his own $$$ I learned that the men from the 1st & 2nd services didn’t know each other that’s the day that I learned the power of Prayer! One day I was up the hill where the Prayer Chapel is & there was a bench up there in the grass up by the road on the hill where the Prayer Chapel is & as I looked north down Park Ave I saw a Cross, a heavenly cross in the middle of the road even with the tree line and I knew right then that Jesus was with me & always will be! I saw that cross again looking out the Prayer Chapel cross window looking out watching the sun shine through the trees. It was Jesus again! I got to thank Peter & Johnnie for what they did for me before she died & God bless them both with Jesus